1. Explain the various steps taken by
the Govt to eradicate illiteracy.
remove illiteracy the Central and State Governments have made planned and
systematic efforts to expand educational opportunities to all citizens.
Further, education is made fundamental right
*.All the
State governments in India
have made primary education free and compulsory for all children upto the age
of 14.
* The govt
announced the National Policy on Education in 1986 to universalise primary
education with stress on adult and women’s education.
Steps are taken to create interest among the parents. Community programmes are
taken up to increase awareness among the parents of the need for child
Projects like Vidya Vikas, Akshara Dasoha and Ksheera Yojana have been taken up
by the Karnataka govt.
Other schemes such as adult education, informal system of education and National Literacy Drive
havebeen started.
The Central Government has launched Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan.
Under the provision of the 73rd and 74th constitutional
amendments, pubic communities are to be involved.
Providing monetary incentives and improved basic amenitis.
In this direction, propaganda is undertaken in all districts and provision is
made for mid-day meal, free text books, stationary and conveyance for girls.
2. What are the programmes envisaged to
achieve universalisation of primary education?
programmes envisaged for achieving universalisation of primary education are:
providing buildings,
drinking water etc
strict measures are to be
taken to see that all children above six years of age are sent to school
Various steps to make
schools attractive for children & to prevent them from dropping out of
school in the middle.
Importance to be given to
pre-primary education.
Much stress on education of
Improved and attractive
methods of instruction at primary level
Alternative system of
education to students who are not in a position to attend regular schools
3. What is regionalism? Why does
regionalism arise?
Regionalism is an exclusive
attachment or loyalty to one’s own region or state.
have developed distinct identities in terms of language, culture, customs and
traditions. Sometimes people living in a particular region have a tendency to glorify
their own culture and look down upon other cultures.
4. Why is regionalism dangerous?
regionalism is allowed to grow beyond a limit then the idea of India as a
nation will be destroyed. Therefore it is dangerous.
5. What measures have been taken in India
to counter regionalism?
the dangers of regionalism the founding fathers of the Constitution have
provided autonomy to the states so that they can run their own governments. The
central government co-ordinates the activities of the states to preserve the
unity and integrity of the country and to avoid regional imbalances.
6. Name some of the social reformers and
thinkers who fought against the evil of untouchability.
Dayanananda Saraswati, Gandhiji and Ambedkar were some of the social reformers
who fought against the evil of untouchability.
7. What constitutional safeguards have
been provided to protect the interests of the SCs and STs? OR How the govt tried to safeguard the
interests of SCs/STs?
Constitutional safeguards provided for protecting the interests of the SCs/STs
some seats are reserved for
SC/ST in the State Assemblies and Lok Sabha.
Some constituencies are
declared reserved from where only the candidates belonging to SC/ST can
Certain percentage of jobs
in the government and educational institutions are reserved for these
Special and mobile courts
have been set up to safeguard the rights of these people and also for the
disposal of cases relating to the practice of untouchability.
8. What steps have been taken to promote
education among the SC/ST? OR What are
the facilities provided to SCs and STs in the field of education?
promote education among the SCs and STs –
Free books are supplied by
opening Book Banks.
Free boarding and lodging
facilities are provided by opening hostels
Scholarships are given to
students belonging to these communities.
Employment exchanges have
been started for the disabled SCs and STs.
9. Why is the Tribal Co-operative
Marketing Development Federation of India set up?
Tribal Co-operative Marketing Development Federation of India is set up
to help the Scheduled Tribes to market the tribal produce.
10. Mention any 4 social reformers who
fought for the cause of women’s upliftment. What were their goals?
Rammohan Roy, Jotirao Phule, Dayananda Sarawati and Mahatma Gandhi fought for
the cause of women’s upliftment.
goals were to abolish child marriage and sati, encourage women’s education and
promote widow remarriage.
11. What are the measures taken by the
govt after independence to improve the status/condition of women?
of the measures taken by the government to improve the status of women are:
In matters of public
employment, equal opportunities are given to both men and women
Facilities are provided for
education of girls.
A commission is constituted
for the welfare of women and children
Polygamy is discouraged by
child marriage, dowry system
are abolished
Widow marriage is encouraged
Law is passed to give equal
share to daughters in ancestral property.
In all walks of life, women
are given equal opportunities along with men.
Govt has taken up various
development programmes.
to provide shelter to such
women who are in trouble.
Training and Employment Plan
for women has come into force since 1987
Programmes like ‘Swayam
Siddha’ ‘Stree Shakti’, Balika samruddhi Yojana, Rashtriya Mahila Vimochana are
33% of the seats are
reserved for women in local bodies
Social Welfare Department
has introduced a two-year basic educational facility for women since 1958.
The year 2001 was declared
as the Year of Women Empowerment.
12. Why is the development of children
The children of today are the citizens of tomorrow. The future of the
nation depends on their well being. Hence no nation can neglect the development
of children.
13. Mention the reasons for the poverty
in India .
To eradicate poverty what steps are taken by the govt?
main reasons for poverty in India
the concentration of wealth
in the hands of a few
non-payment of proper wages
lack of skills and training
to increase the productivity of workers
lack of employment
the rapid growth in
To eradicate poverty the government has
undertaken various programmes. The IRDP (Integrated Rural Development
Programme) is a major step in this direction. Various facilities like :-
training the rural youth to
resort to self-employment
loans to small farmers,
agricultural and non-agricultural labourers, village artisans, scheduled castes
and sceduled tribes, etc.
welfare programmes for women
and children
employment programmes for
the landless labourers
Jawahar Rozgar Yojana
Prime Minister’s Rural Roads
Plan (Grammena Sadak Yojana)
Food for work, are extended
to the people.
14. What are measures taken by the govt
to secure economic equality?
To secure
economic equality, the govt has taken a number of measures. They are:
• According to the land reform
Acts, tiller is made the owner of the land.
Acts, tiller is made the owner of the land.
• In order to avoid regional imbalances, industries are located in
different parts of the country.
• Small and cottage industries are encouraged to provide employment
opportunities to the masses.
• Major commercial and industrial concerns are subjected to rules and
regulations made by govt to help payment of proper wages and also subjecting
them to taxation.
15. What are the effects of population
population explosion has caused problems like unemployment, illiteracy and
16. Expand: D.P.E.P. –
District Primary Education Programme
AGMARK: Agricultural Marketing
A.P.M.C.s :- Agricultural Produce Marketing
COFEPOSA:- Conservation of Foreign Exchange &
Prevention of Smuggling Act.
I.R.D.P. :- Integrated Rural Development Programme.
N.R.E.P. :- National Rural Employment Programme.
U.N.O. :- United Nations Organisation
UNESCO:- United Nations Educaional, Scientific and
Cultural Organisation
W.H.O. : World Health Organisation
I.M.F. :- International Monetary Fund
I.L.O. – International Labour
FAO - Food and
Agricultural Organisation
UNICEF – United Nations International Children’s
Emergency Fund
I.B.R.D. – International Bank for Reconstruction and
UNCTAD – United Nations Conference on Trade and
W.T.O. – World Trade Organisation
G.A.T.T. – General Agreement on Trade and Tariff
NCERT – National Council of Educational Research and
NHEES – Nutrition and Health Education and Environment
DACEP – Development Activities in Community Education
and Participation
1. The biggest democracy in the world is
__________________________ (
c )
a. Great Britain b. U.S.A. c. India d. Japan
2. The success of democracy depends upon
_________________________ ( d )
a. industrialization
b. prosperity of the nation c.
stable govt d. educated class.
3. According to 2001 census, literacy percentage among men & women in India is ____
( d)
a. 39% men & 64% women b. 54% men & 76% women
c. 64%men & 39% women d. 76% men & 54% women
4. The provision for free & compulsory education
for all children upto the age of 14 is laid down in the_____( d )
a. Fundamental Rights
b. Preamble of the Constitution
c. Fundamental Duties d.
Directive Principles
5. “Promotion of educational interests of the SCs,
STs, and other Weaker Sections” has laid down in _____(C )
a. preamble of our constitution b. our constitution c. Directive Principles of State Policy d. Article 16
6. According to 93rd Amendment of the
Constitution which one of the following is made a fundamental right? (a )
a. Education
b. Culture c. Religion d. Equality
7. As per the 42nd amendment, education
comes under the ____________________ (c
a. State list
b. Central list c. Concurrent
list d. Ministry of HRD
8. Incentives like midday meal, free text books,
uniforms are provided to children with
objective of ______( c )
a. removing poverty
b. bringing equality c.
attracting children to schools d.
improving school education
9. Sufficient teachers & infrastructure are
provided to schools by the govt under the scheme _____ ( B
a. Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan b. Operation Black Board c. Vidya Vikasa d. National Literacy Drive
10. For the success of democracy education is a must
because ____________ (b)
a. education helps the people to read the ballot paper
b. education helps them to understand and solve
national & international problems
c. education helps them to understand their
rights d. education helps them to educate
11. The policy which aims at universalisation of
primary education is _________ (
B )
a. Compulsory education b. National Policy on Education c. Adult Education d. Policy of literacy campaign
12. To provide mid-day meals to students, the govt of
Karnataka introduced ________ (
B )
a. Vidya Vikas Yojana
b. Akshara Dasoha Yojana c. Akshaya
Yojana d. Ksheera Yojana
13. Alternative system of education meant for children
who cannot attend schools is called _____ (B )
a. formal education
b. non-formal education c.
vocational education d. job-oriented
14. Vidya Vikas, Akshara Dasoha & Ksheera yojana
were launched by the Govt of _____ (
A _
a. Karnataka b. Tamil Nadu c. Kerala
d. Goa
15. National Policy on Education’ aims at
________________________ (A )
a. universalisation of primary education b. alternative system of education c. increasing the financial alotment to education every year d. providing monetary incentives &
basic ameneties to schools
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